My Portfolio

Web DeveloperWeb Designer


National Institute of Technology Trichy,
Major- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering,
Minor- Computer Science
2019-23 batch.

A Few Accomplishments


I have solved many coding problems and got 5 stars in c++ and Problem solving in Hackerrank. And got certified for Problem solving, Python, SQL, CSS by clearing assesment for skills.

  • See my profile in Hackerrank

Positions of Responsibilities

Manager of web operations team, Mettle

Mettle is the Annual National Level Technical Symposium conducted by the department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NIT Trichy.
As a Manager of web operations ,I am responsible for creating and maintaining a hassle-free website for the symposium.

Nov 2021 - Present


Worked as a Coordinator of Ambiance Team of Festember, the Cultural fest of NIT Trichy. As a part of ambiance team the work specifically involved in decorating and designing the event creatively which is important for an event.

Feb 2020 - Present


Intern at AVIPL

Web Designer Intern at AVIPL, works include designing UI/UX with Adobe XD, developing websites using Html, CSS, Bootstrap for the frontend. I have worked on a website known as AARADHYA HEALTH CARE and presently working on CODESANDBOTS which is an online teaching platform.

  • See Aaradhya healyth care Project
  • See Codesandbots Project

Intern at The Spark Foundation

Sparks Foundation Web Development Internship Project : Basic Banking System website. A web application used to tranfer virtual money between multiple users and also record the banking transactions/ activities.

May 2021 - June 2021

  • See my Project


Flipkart Clone

This is a fully responsive Ecommerce website inspired from Flipkart. We can login or signup in this website and add products to the cart and checkout them. I made this website using ReactJS for frontend, Nodejs for backend, MongoDb for storing users and products data and Paytm integration for payment gateway. It is a full fledged MERN stack application.

  • See my Project

Blogging Website

It is a blogging website in which we can post articles, edit the existing articles, and delete them in the simplest and easiest way. I made this website using Html, CSS for frontend Nodejs for backend, and MongoDb for storing data. Tools used are Git, ExpressJs, Jquery.

  • See my Project

Newsletter Signup

This is made for collecting users like a signup form for mailing them newsletters. I made this using Html, CSS for frontend and Nodejs and API in backend. Stored data in Mailchimp. Tools used are Git, ExpressJs, Jquery.

  • See my Project

Sorting Visualiser

This project is a website in which there are different types of sorting visualizations like the bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quick sort, and merge sort. It takes the length of the array and speed of sorting as input and starts the visualization of the selected sorting algorithm. I made this website using Html, CSS, and Javascript.

  • See my Project

Contact Me

Feel free to message me.